This is a very cost effective way to get your laboratory’s quality and production up. Utilizing PTC’s proven knowledge transfer techniques you can immediately increase the productivity of existing technicians and get new technicians producing quality work much faster.
"I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself. Production went up a minimum of one quality unit per hour" C.C.
Many labs establish an anatomical standard and common vocabulary by having PTC train their entire staff in Simplifying Anterior and Posterior Anatomy.
Other courses include:
"This was the way to do it for our laboratory. The buy-in by the staff was phenomenal! It cost us, but PTC came in and quality, efficiency and staff morale shot through the roof. In our eyes it was a very worthwhile investment, not an expense." J.B.
No matter your location, PTC can develop a custom training solution for you.
Find out how PTC can help.
Call (408) 776-0433 for a personal consultation.
Use the Ness Visual Dictionary free online or buy a printed copy.
A sample term:
zygomatic bone