Experience the power of online training with PTC’s online e-Learning courses. PTC anatomy training, online, anywhere, anytime. All online courses are approved for CDT credits. After passing the course, students may purchase a Certificate of Completion.
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For the first time, you can standardize your communication of all the features of posterior anatomy with the most commonly used definitions. This course has been used by thousands of laboratories world wide to get technicians and managers “on the same page.”
The learning process is much simplified compared to typical anatomy courses. Rather than trying to memorize countless details of individual teeth, you will first learn the similarities of all posterior teeth, followed by the unique differences found only on some of the teeth.
Price: $69.00
Course length: Self paced study (5 hours)
Course material: Over 350 illustrated pages
Video: Over 30 minutes of video
CDT Credits: 5 credits
Developed for dental technicians, dental assistants, dental hygenists, and dentists, this course presents the fundamental information of anterior dental anatomy. This course is PTC’s recommended first step for anyone who wants to learn to be a dental technician. Topics include the internal structure of anterior teeth, anterior surface anatomy, and the features of the anterior teeth.
Learn the tools to communicate about anterior dental restorations with confidence and certainty. Dental technicians can expect improvements in the quality of their work when waxing, porcelain building, anterior contouring, and in Cad/cam design.
Price: $49.00
Course length: Self paced study (3 hours)
Course material: Over 350 illustrated pages
Video: Over 1 hour of high-quality video
CDT Credits: 3 credits
The Science of a Natural Smile is a study of the ten underlying esthetic components common to all cosmetic restorations. Developed for dental technicians, dental assistants, dental hygienists, and dentists, this course presents these fundamental components in an easy to understand online course.
The Science of a Natural Smile gives dentists, dental assistants, and dental hygienists a powerful tool they can use to educate patients on the importance of esthetics and their case planning.
Successful dental labs and dental offices use The Science of a Natural Smile to create a standard vocabulary to effectively communicate about their cases, thereby reducing misunderstandings and errors.
Based on past PTC training of hundreds of dental technicians, dental ceramists and waxers can expect immediate improvements in their anterior restorations.
As you take this course you will watch the complete Science of a Natural video and read the manual.
Price: $69.00
Course length: Self paced study (5 hours)
Course material: Over 300 illustrated pages
Video: Over 45 minutes of high-quality video
CDT Credits: 5 credits
Simplified oral anatomy and physiology concentrates on the 21 specific features pertaining to the construction and proper fit of full and partial dentures. By studying the functions of 6 specific muscle groups and their attachments you will learn the functional borders for constructing a stable and esthetic denture.
You will also learn the terminology needed to read and understand the doctor's prescription and to successfully communicate oral anatomy with the rest of the dental delivery team.
Price: $69.00
Course length: Self paced study (5 hours)
Course material: Over 250 illustrated pages
Video: Over 20 minutes of high-quality video
CDT Credits: 5 credits
PTC's online courses for hands-on learning teach with the same videos, illustration and methods as our DVD, TechBook, and PTC Training App courses. Students don't need access to a dental laboratory to get the needed training resources. With the online course, you can also purchase all the models, practice units and tools that you need. We even have an affordable handpiece you can purchase with the course!
Contouring Anterior Bridges is the course for all dental technicians who shape anterior teeth, from diagnostic waxups to temporary crowns to permanent restorations to digital design. The course teaches the exact procedures for reproducing each of the 10 components of a natural smile as taught in The Science of a Natural Smile Online Course.
The course takes you through 3 cycles of contouring a 6-unit anterior bridge. Your confidence and certainty will increase each time as you learn and practice each step needed to produce a functional and esthetic restoration.
The online course can be made hands-on by practicing with models and bridges you create in the laboratory, or you can purchase all the needed resources right with the course. This makes it ideal for someone who wants to learn, but does not have access to a dental laboratory.
In addition to the online course itself, available packages include:
Price: $260.00 - $750.00, depending on chosen package
Course length: Self paced study (15 hours)
Course material: Over 300 illustrated pages
Video: Over 45 minutes of high-quality video
CDT Credits: 10 credits if course is passed
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A sample term:
triangular ridge