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The Ness Visual Dictionary of Dental Technology

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Pronunciationem-BRAY-zhur, im-BRAY-zhur
Variationsinterproximal embrasure
See alsogingival embrasure, incisal embrasure, labial embrasure, lingual embrasure, occlusal embrasure, buccal embrasure
Definition1. An opening with outward flaring sides.
2. A V-shaped space formed by the curved proximal surfaces of adjacent teeth. In dental technology, we define 4 embrasures surrounding the proximal contacts. For anterior teeth: gingival embrasure, incisal embrasure, labial embrasure and lingual embrasure. For posterior teeth: gingival embrasure, occlusal embrasure, buccal embrasure and lingual embrasure.

Term of the day: scanning

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