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The Ness Visual Dictionary of Dental Technology

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TermISO numbering system
VariationsFDI numbering system, FDI notation, International numbering system
See alsoUniversal numbering system, Palmer numbering system
DefinitionA tooth numbering system where the centrals of each quadrant are number 1 and the third molars are number 8. The quadrants are numbered from 1 through 4: upper right, upper left, lower left and lower right. Teeth are charted with the quadrant number followed by the tooth number. In this system, the upper right central would be tooth 1-1, or sometimes abbreviated to 11, while the lower left third molar would be 3-8 or 38.
Learn more Knowledge of anatomy is the very foundation of excellence and is essential to developing the artistic perception and judgement needed to create natura... (click to continue)
ISO numbering system

Term of the day: emergence angle

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